This blog states outright. There is no polling data on this issue. But first a digression. Americans, from
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to the majority of folks today, want to see separation of church and state. That doesn’t mean churches cannot take political action- because lordy they do. But it protects religious persecution by, what is the word oh separating- organized religion and the government. It is not symmetrical and equally transactional. Faith based organizations have the rights of freedom of expression and assembly and can take part in elections. And even as the definition of religion gets stretched to include very large and wealthy churches, they remain tax –exempt.
But that, alas and alack, is not the issue here.
Perhaps most Americans have no problem with a Governor who secretly transfers the deed of a state park? A park that honors said state’s international hero Daniel Boone. Governor Matt Bevin, governor and reputed public servant, quietly and without any input from or information to the people of Kentucky, ceded the one-time home of Boone to a Baptist Church.
Boones Station State Historical Site was a 46-acre park where Boone lived for about four years.
Elected officials should be agents of the people. They are put into office to represent their constituency, not just corporate donors or influential organizations. Actions should be open, transparent and subject to public veto.
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