This is your friendly, weekly reminder to not shop Tuesday as part of the Boycott for Our Democracy!
From 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM on Tuesday (1/12), don't spend any money, unless it is an emergency of course.
Last week we left all wondering what would happen in the Georgia special runoff election. It was doubtless what we thought would be the biggest news of the week (if only we had known) and a harbinger, as we said last week for what perhaps lay in store in 2021. Miracle of miracles, against all odds, the Democrats pulled off a double victory against the Republicans, bringing the Senate to a 50:50 split and thus giving control to the Democratic Party, with VP Kamala Harris as the tiebreaking vote. This is an amazing accomplishment and gives us finally the opportunity to do great things for the people of this country! As we move forward into a Biden administration, we must remember what it was that actually got the Democrats into power, how Warnock and Ossoff won the special runoff election: concrete material promises with led to record special election turnout. Turnout for the Democrats was 92% of the presidential election, beating the also impressive 88% turnout by Republicans. This high turnout was inspired not by milk toast policies, not by promises to work with Republicans, but instead by a promise to deliver specific life-saving survival checks of $2000 along with so much more. Of course they were attacked for being too radical by Republicans, yet they were able to weather this storm in part because rather than shying away from strong advocacy for the people, they promised that they would deliver for everyone if we gave them Senate. In that moment of struggle, left wing activists got Joe Biden change his policy and to promise $2000 stimulus checks if voters gave him a Democratic Senate. Now that we have delivered for the Democratic Party we must make sure that they follow through with the mandate they have from the people. There is even some actual good signs that Joe Biden does not seem to be buying in to the cult of austerity so many politicians of both parties follow. Instead he has suggested that his new covid-19 relief package, along with major infrastructure investment could be trillions of dollars! If Biden by is actually ready to fight for these policies, and keep pushing forward beyond that starting point, it really will be a welcome new day in American politics. That new day won’t come, however, without constant pressure from the left. There is also a large role to play for Congress here. After having given complete control through heroic effort to the democrats in the Congress it is their job to not reach across the aisle to these seditious republicans but instead to act upon the mandate of the people and deliver for them in spades. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are going to have to whip their caucuses into shape. If they fail to give Americans $2000 checks and much, much more, than they will lose seats and control of Congress in 2022 or 2024, and frankly they will deserve it. Recent events, however, have shaken them and put some spine in these normally feckless politicians. We can’t let them fall back asleep. They must remain engaged and ready the act for the people, and not fall for the authoritarian tricks, and the nihilistic chicanery of the Republican party. If we organize and stick together, if we continue to grow our power both politically and economically, we can make 2021 year where big change happens for the people, and the government finally begins representing the many not the few! It won't happen on its own, we must make it happen! Join us each Tuesday as we grow our power. Join us every Tuesday, as we build an economic cudgel to get the powerful's attention and insist that our government represents and responds to the needs of the people, not a cabal of special interests!
We will continue to highlight unrepresentative decisions taken by our supposedly representative democracy.
Let friends and families, let them know about this growing movement, and how they can help us take back our democracy if they Don't Shop on Tuesdays!
Send their email address to