Unrepresentative Policy - Immigration Policy #2
This holiday weekend, we will collectively be celebrating the "birth" of this country the United States of America. Central to any story and commemoration of this nation's founding, must be a recognition and celebration of our history as a nation of immigrants. We are a country that has been strengthened by the immigrants coming to our shores, seeking opportunity, and looking to add their human ingenuity and zeal to the great American experiment. This is not just part of our history, it continues to this day with bright young people brought here as children, eager to take full part in our society!
Donald Trump and the Republicans have tried time and again to use these children as political bargaining chips, but the American people, and even the Republican party are clear, these dreamers deserve a path to citizenship!
"Are you in favor of or opposed to: Allowing immigrants, who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children, the chance to become U.S. citizens if they meet certain requirements over a period of time?" (DACA)
In Favor:
Republicans: 75%
Democrats: 92%
Nationally: 83%
The American people understand that bright young people deserve a chance to grow and thrive, and they want America to be that place, only a loud, hateful, and unfortunately powerful, splinter of Americans stand in the way of this progress. The climate crisis all but guarantees that issues around immigration and refugees will continue to grow in scale and severity. We must act swiftly to establish a just, speedy and equitable pathway to citizenship for our young dreamers, both as an example for how to handle immigration going forward, and to prevent these children from being exploited further in political games. Stand up, resist, and DSOT before it is too late!
Let your representatives know how important DACA protections are for dreamers, contact info can be found at: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
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