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Together/United/We Win

Writer's picture: Jacob KravetzJacob Kravetz

The mistake we cannot make as organizers, activists, and conscious, caring citizens is to not make our voices heard, both with raucous applause when our politicians act in our favor, and with righteous outrage when they move in the wrong direction. This feedback helps them not just understand the desires of their constituency but also creates cover and context to push for bold policy in the face of powerful interests pushing in the opposite direction. No President or elected body of Congress can fight these money interests on their own, even if they have the inclination to do so, the systems are simply too entrenched. Instead, it takes a massive, concerted coalition of people who have joined together in solidarity, in both an economic and political agenda, to push back against these forces that work to stymie any progress, and keep the system under their control. So, let's join together each Tuesday, in growing solidarity, and work hard to build that constituency and create a context for the next Democratic administration to be transformational by beginning to represent the wants and needs of a supermajority of the people.

Don't shop on Tuesday.

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