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Democracy Floats to the Surface

Barrie Friedland

 News Flash- people grow old. Yes, the adage says- aging is all in your mind, but that’s in fact the problem, it affects people's acuity and thinking skills

Time wreaks havoc on the human body.One may remain young at heart, but the heart wears down. 

Everyone now knows that after 3 agonizing weeks, President Joe Biden will not run for re-election, and has endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris.  Hey Fox News... it's pronounced “comma la.”  No camels.

The election between 2 people with more than a century and a half of living on this planet has been averted. From a citizen's viewpoint, Biden had a relatively successful term.  He was blocked by corrupt players, often in his own party.  And no Mr. Manchin- no one wants you to run for President.  Not even your donors.

We can look at Biden's record at a later time, but um what was I planning to say, it just slipped my mind... Kidding.  Biden is out and Harris is in.  To date, no running mate has been chosen but mark our words, it will be a middle-aged, white man. Maybe from a swing state or someone having other credentials.  Clearly not Governor Newsom because that would be a California heavy ticket from a state that will certainly vote blue.  And frankly he appears too openly ambitious. 

 The irony is of course that the Republicans have basically held a coronation for a man who just turned 78 years old, has clear signs of dementia, and a health regime that would worry a teenager. But those are not The salient issues. Trump hijacked democracy and tried to steal the 2020 election.  He encouraged what manifested as January 6th. The reason that he has a different running mate now is that the folks back then tried to hang his VP. Trump's record as President is a disaster and he has subsequently been charged with 91 felonies.  He's now a convicted felon.  Except for jaywalking, what criminal indictments are missing? And in that case, one can only assume that is because he rarely goes anywhere on foot. 

So that is the GOP nominee, but the crescendo of voices calling for Joe Biden to step down became deafening. His debate performance was problematic and being more soft spoken than Trump, he seems more frail and elderly. Clearly both men were often confused

Problem solved.

This is democracy. Sometimes a President must walk away. LBJ did it. Again it was due to people rising up against the Vietnam War.

Psst, Democrats.  Here's a tip. Stop running/talking and legislating like mid-century Republicans.  Ms Harris- are you listening?  Change comes from the people.  In 2016 most of the country was fed up-didn't matter who was in the White House or which party controlled Congress.  People were suffering/wages were stagnant/ and the common good was being ignored. That year, Bernie Sanders slowed the Democratic nomination from being handed to Hillary Clinton.With no corporate donors, just individual financial support, he came close to being the party's candidate. And would have handily beaten Trump.

At 81 years old, he is still physically and mentally sharp.  Sanders, then and now, continues to be the most popular politician in America today. Because he has tirelessly advocated for what this country needs. Bernie’s ship has sailed, he won’t be seeking the presidency, but as Kamala Harris ramps up her campaign it’s clear she needs to forge a new path distinct from Biden. She should look to so many of the popular policies Bernie supports, from Medicare for All, to tuition free college, to abortion rights, to robust labor protections. The donor class will be against this of course, but this shake-up is an opportunity to gain power for the people. The stakes couldn’t be higher, look at Project 2025, and step outside during one of our many heatwaves if you need a refresher.

It won’t be easy and will take a concerted coalition building economic and political power to sway the election. And regardless of outcome, much organizing will be needed in the days and years to come. So Register to vote and then go to the polls. Get involved, and stay involved. In this monumental times we have the power to make a difference. The establishment has tried to drown democracy.  The people can save it. We have the power and the responsibility.  Show the world that we love and protect our country.

#DSOT looks like America.  It is a growing and diverse coalition that has economic clout. 

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